Tibbits Film Series offers an exclusive screening of the 2024 Academy Award-nominated animated and live-action short films on Sunday, March 3, at 4 pm, at the historic Tibbits Opera House. This unique showcase brings the finest in short filmmaking to the heart of Coldwater, offering a glimpse into the creative genius behind this year’s most acclaimed short films.
Film enthusiasts and animation lovers can explore the magic of storytelling with the 2024 lineup. From heartwarming tales to thought-provoking narratives, these animated and live-action shorts showcase the diversity and ingenuity within the genre. Viewers will find themselves captivated by the unique and powerful stories on display.
In an era where short films serve as a prelude to a bigger cinematic experience, these gems provide an opportunity to appreciate the artistry and storytelling condensed into a brief yet impactful timeframe. Both animated and live-action shorts have historically served as a platform for up-and-coming directors, and this exclusive screening offers audiences a chance to witness the innovation and creativity within the industry.
The 80-minute animated shorts segment will start at 4 pm. Following a brief intermission, the 140-minute live-action shorts sequence will take center stage at around 5:45 pm. This arrangement offers the audiences a diverse and extended cinematic experience, with films that promise to engage and captivate viewers with their distinctive storytelling and artistic expressions.
The combined screening showcases a lineup of seven animation shorts and six live-action ones. Highlights include the animation War is Over! by the up-and-coming Dave Mullins and Brad Booker, and the live-action short The Wonderful World of Henry Sugar by the popular director Wes Anderson. Please note that the content is not suitable for children under 13, and trigger warnings apply. Topics within the films touch upon sensitive themes, and viewer discretion is advised.
Join us at Tibbits Opera House for an unforgettable day, and immerse yourself in the captivating magic of storytelling. Tickets for this exclusive event are priced at $15, including fees, and can be purchased at Tibbits.org, by calling 517-278-6029, or at the Tibbits administration office located at 93 West Chicago St, Coldwater, Michigan. Tibbits - Where every seat feels like the front row.