Creating housing opportunity and access is the topic of a Zoom and Learn hosted by the City of Holland’s Human Relations Commission on Monday, November 13, from noon to 1:15 pm. Registration for this free event is at

The training will be devoted to understanding housing data and the spectrum of need, identifying local housing partners, resources, agencies at the local, state, and federal levels, and identifying opportunities to engage in and address these needs strategically.

Subject matter experts from Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids, Latrisha Sosebee, Manager of Community Building & Engagement, and Jenn Schaub, Director of Community Building & Engagement, will lead the presentation.

“A healthy place to live is one where residents where everyone has access to quality affordable housing, regardless of their income,” explained Esther Fifelski, Director of the City of Holland Human Relations Department. “Dwelling Place carries out this vision for strong neighborhoods and communities across West Michigan. We are pleased to partner with them to addresses the need for quality affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization in and around Holland.”