A new holiday tradition begins at the Kalamazoo State Theatre! Our friends at Honor Credit Union present a special matinee screening of the hit movie Elf at the historic Kalamazoo State Theatre on Saturday, December 14th!
Come early and create your own special holiday ornament with help from Colors and Cocktails! Come dressed in your favorite ugly sweater, and you could win a prize! Take part in the pre-show trivia for even more chances to win! Plus, as always, we’ll have a signature drink to help celebrate the occasion.
IMDB Storyline:
Raised as an oversized elf, Buddy travels from the North Pole to New York City to meet his biological father, Walter Hobbs, who doesn't know he exists and is in desperate need of some Christmas spirit.
Buddy was a baby in an orphanage who stowed away in Santa's sack and ended up at the North Pole. Later, as an adult who happened to be raised by elves, Santa allows him to go to New York City to find his birth father, Walter Hobbs. He, who is on Santa's naughty list for being a heartless jerk, had no idea that Buddy was even born. Buddy, meanwhile, experiences the delights of New York City (and human culture) as only an elf can. When Walter's relationship with him interferes with his job, he is forced to reevaluate his priorities.
Ticket Information:
All seating is general admission. There’s an 8-ticket limit.
$13 Advanced Ticket available only until 12/6/24.
$17 Week of show.
$11 Students available in the box office only until 12/6/24. Limited supply.
BUY TICKETS - https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/080060F2A51A3A90|
RSVP on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pg/kazoostate/events/
More Information - https://www.kazoostate.com/event/elfmovie/ |
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Honor Credit Union - https://www.honorcu.com/