Grand Rapids Downtown Market: Slithering Sunday, March 10th; 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Slither on over to the Grand Rapids Downtown Market this Sunday from 10 - 1 p.m. and wrap yourself up in a riff of Reptilian fun! Several reptile sanctuaries and rescue centers throughout the area will have loads of non-furry, but no less fabulous creatures waiting for you to see up close and personal. Learn about the likes, habitats, food sources and other fun facts of Turtles, Snakes and Gators, and Axolotls too!  And in case you're wondering…what the heck is an axolotls? These astonishing creatures - otherwise known as Mexican Jumping Fish - have an astonishing ability to regenerate body organs and lost limbs - sometimes in a matter of weeks! Make sure you sssstop by the Market Hall to grab some delicious bites before the day is over. 

Stuart Avenue Inn: Irish Tea & Trivia- March 13th- 2-4pm

St. Paddy’s Day is coming!  Time to grab some green beer and knock those leprechaun heels together for a day of Irish fun. But if your scene is a little more elegant and a lot less noisy, then be sure to make a reservation at the Stuart Avenue Inn in Kalamazoo, on Wednesday, March 13 for the perfect ‘spot oh Irish tea,’ sprinkled with a lively game of Irish Trivia. The Irish are very serious about their humble tea, a tradition that is steeped in history and embodies people’s love for their nation and each other. You’ll also be served delicious  traditional savories and sweets that will make this seem like the most elegant Irish experience ever! 

Free 2024 West Michigan Travel Guide

If you’re looking for inspiration for planning your spring and summertime adventures in West Michigan, now’s the time to pick up the brand new 2024 Carefree Travel Guide! With information, trips, and activities that span from Michigan’s southern border all the way into the UP, this is a great guide for planning both vacations, and activities to do on a weekend or day trip. The guide is available digitally, or free by mail, from the West Michigan Tourist Association website at