Families are invited to the Holland Farmers Market every Wednesday morning this summer  for free weekly Kids Activities! The Kids Activities are held every Wednesday from 9:30 am – 11:30 am beginning this Wednesday, June 12 through August 14. The Activities are free to attend and begin with  Market Story Time hosted by the Herrick District Library, followed by a fun, educational, and hands-on  activity led by a local community partner. The Kids Activities are proudly sponsored by Corewell Health. 

“Corewell Health is excited to partner with the City of Holland and sponsor its weekly Kids Activities held  at the Holland Farmers Market this summer,” said Amber TerHaar, Manager, Regional Community  Health. “It is great to have so many nonprofit organizations and local businesses involved, providing  children of our community the opportunity to engage in active play and learn about healthy fruits and  vegetables. We appreciate the planning behind these events and look forward to engaging with the  community in this positive and interactive manner.” 

The weekly Kids Activities begin with an interactive Market Story Time hosted by the Herrick District  Library starting at 9:30 am, followed by a drop-in activity led by a local non-profit organization or business  from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. All activities planned are educational, hands-on, and fun and are geared  for ages 3-10. The full schedule of activities can be found below and on the Market Kids Activities  Facebook event page. Activities are free to attend, but a parent or guardian must remain onsite the entire  time to supervise their children. Activities take place in the northwest parking lot outside of the Holland  Civic Center Place (150 West 8th Street).  

The Kids Activity sponsor, Corewell Health, will be here this Wednesday, June 12 to host the kick-off  activity! Their team will provide tips for encouraging children to make healthy food choices by getting  them directly involved in the kitchen! Children can join the Corewell Health to decorate an apron to take  home, while learning about the upcoming summer family cooking classes at Community Action House led  by a Corewell Health dietician. They’ll also have fun summer recipes on hand that you can try at home  too! 

Upcoming Kids Activities 

June 19 

I AM Academy 

Juneteenth Celebration 

Join the I AM Academy to learn all about Juneteenth, the federal holiday that commemorates the end of  slavery in the United States. Enjoy listening to Juneteenth stories with the Herrick District Library and then  visit different craft stations to make a paper chain in the colors of the Juneteenth flag, make a beaded  bracelet, and design your own freedom quilt with paper squares. 


June 26 

Ed & Nancy Hannenburg’s Children’s Advocacy Center 

Safe Adult Bracelets 

The child sexual abuse prevention staff from Ed & Nancy Hannenburg’s Children’s Advocacy Center will  provide beads and bracelet making materials to help teach kids about “safe” adults and remind kids who  their "safe” adults are. They will also have temporary tattoos for kids and a prize wheel for children to spin  to win fun prizes! Don’t miss this important opportunity to learn how to prevent child sexual abuse in our  community. 

July 3 

Outdoor Discovery Center Network 

Land and Water Fun and Games 

Learn about the important conservation work that the Outdoor Discovery Center Network is doing to  protect the land and water quality in and around the Holland area! Children can participate in games and  crafts while they learn about pollinators, macroinvertebrates, native plants, and water quality right here in  West Michigan. Each child will leave with the knowledge they need to help conserve our important natural  resources! 

July 10 

Corewell Health  

Stay Safe this Summer 

The injury prevention team from Corewell Health, our Kids Activity sponsor, will be here to teach kids all  about summer bike and swim safety! Parents can learn how to fit their child’s bike helmet correctly and  get important information on water and car seat safety too. Children will have the opportunity to play a fun  game together and get a cool pair of sunglasses to take home!  

July 17 


Fiesta Time 

Celebrate Fiesta Week with Latin Americans United for Progress (LAUP)! Join the Herrick District Library  for a bilingual interactive story time, then celebrate Latino culture together with a “frutas y vegetales”  activity! Be sure to stay for a chance to get active with the Salserines, who will be here to teach everyone  some fun salsa-dancing moves! 

July 24 

Holland Museum 

Michigan Fruit Harvest 

Did you know Michigan harvests over 1 billion apples every year? From Granny Smith to Honey Crisp,  Michigan apples just can’t be beat! Join the team from the Holland Museum to design and create a  harvesting device to harvest apples from their trees! Children will also have the opportunity to color a map  of Michigan and learn about the different fruits grown in each region of our great state! 

July 31 

Holland Parks & Recreation 

Get Out and Get Active! 

Our friends from Holland Recreation will be joining us to help kids get out and get active this summer,  with a variety of different yard games and activities to get kids moving! Activities will include corn hole,  ladder ball, giant Jenga, and so much more. Learn all about Holland Recreation’s upcoming fall and  winter programs and classes too! 

August 7 

Community Action House

Healthy Eating Habits 

The team from Community Action House will be here to help children learn about how to make healthy  eating choices and why it’s important to fuel our bodies with the right nutrients! Children can join in on a  fun, interactive activity and get a free temporary fruit or vegetable tattoo to help them remember to eat a  rainbow of foods every day! 

August 14 

Corewell Health 

Smoothie Bike 

Corewell Health’s popular Smoothie Bike is back! Children can pedal a stationary bike to blend their own  smoothies to sample…both with and without spinach! Will your child taste the “sneaky spinach”  difference? Children will have the opportunity to learn about healthy eating and bring home their own  smoothie recipes to try, courtesy of the Corewell’s CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) team,  who travel the area teaching healthy eating habits to local schools.