Shop fabulous deals at your favorite stores during Winterfest weekend! Grand Haven’s Downtown Merchants are hosting Indoor Sidewalk Sales this weekend, Friday, Jan. 26 & Saturday, Jan. 27. Participants can enjoy their favorite Winterfest activities like Family Dog Pull or Cardboard Sled Races, then make their way downtown to shop all of the deals. Participating merchants are running a variety of deals and specials, so customers will want to stop by each store to learn more. “There are nearly 20 stores in the first three blocks on Washington set to participate,” MACkite owner Lynn Negen said. “But there are absolute bargains to be had in the other stores that aren’t officially on the list. It’s like a scavenger hunt!” The merchants have unofficially run this sale in January for over 20 years. “Lary Galombeck used to coordinate this even when he and Renee owned The Dockside shop in the piano factory,” Negen said. “Larry had a talent for pulling all of us together.” Customers can find more event information on Facebook for both Indoor Sidewalk Sales and Winterfest. Indoor Sidewalk Sales information: Winterfest information: